Youth Activities

At UT/TSU Extension we strive to foster learning and creativity for the youth of Fentress County with multiple enrichment opportunities.

Crafting, Painting and Sewing for Youth

Our agents offer a variety of educational classes where our youth can learn to create, build, sew or paint through out the year in after school and summer programs.

Small child painting

green 4-leaf clover with a white "H" on each leaf. A symbol for the 4-H program


4-H is a unique educational program that is open to all students in elementary through high school. It encourages diverse groups of youth to develop their skills and talents to the fullest. As 4-H’ers, youth actively participate in activities, events and projects that develop and strengthen life skills. Each county has exciting and fun programs!

Click here to learn more about Fentress County’s 4-H Program.

Tennessee Nutrition and Consumer Education Program


TNCEP is a free education program offered to youth and adults of all ages. Participants in these classes learn about nutrition, physical activity, cooking and food safety. Some programs we offer for youth include:

  • Making Tracks with Rudy Raccoon
  • Adventures in the Kitchen
  • Teen Cuisine
  • Power U

Click here to learn more about TNCEP.

Happy  girl holding a bowl with vegetables.