It’s that time of year for another Walk Across Tennessee!
Walk Across Tennessee is an 8-week walking or physical activity program for teams of 4. Teams engage in friendly competition to determine who can achieve the most miles walking, jogging, biking, dancing or any other type of physical activity.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize awards will be given to the three top teams!
Call us at 1 (931) 879-9117 to sign up today!

- Recruit a team of four and assign a team captain.
- Sign up by calling or coming by the UT Extension Office or Health Department. You will be given a packet with instructions, registration forms and important dates.
- Make sure to turn in individual registration forms for everyone on the team to the Extension Office before the event begins.
- Ask team members to record their mileage every day on the provided mileage logs. Do not start recording miles until the Kick-off event (To be determined).
- The captain should report your team’s mileage every Monday by 4 pm. The contact information needed to do this is available in the provided package.
- Rewards for winners will be given at the Fentress County UT Extension Office. Don’t miss it!