Fentress County 4-H Chick Chain Project

We are now accepting applications for Chick Chain 2025!

Picture of baby chicks

If you are a Fentress County student in 4th- 12th grade and you’d like to try your hand at raising baby chicks, this project is for you.

Image of girl holding a baby chick

The 4-H Chick Chain Project allows 4th- 12th grade members the opportunity to raise chickens. Each qualified 4-H member will receive 20 pullets to raise courtesy of the Fentress County 4-H Chick Chain Fund. They will be expected to raise and exhibit 6 of these 20 pullets at Fentress County Fair’s Poultry Show & Sale. Winners will receive prize money, and all pullets will be sold at the end of the show. These sales ensure that we can continue to offer this project each year.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If for any reason you cannot bring the 6 pullets to the show, you must pay the average selling price for the six pullets.

  1. 4-H students in grades 4th – 12th can apply for the 4-H Chick Chain Project by submitting their application to the UT Extension Office before February 11, 2022.
  2. To be considered for this project, members must have the necessary facilities, equipment, and supplies to complete the project, and support of the parent or guardian is required.
  3. 4-H Members chosen to receive the chicks must attend the 4-H Chick Chain Project Educational meeting on February 22, 2022 at 5:30 pm. Any member who cannot attend due to circumstances beyond their control can contact Ms. Jenna Beaty at the UT Extension Office at 1 (931) 879-9117 to schedule a meeting.
  4. Each 4-H’er participating in the project will be notified of the exact arrival date for the chicks. Members or member guardians will be expected to pick up their chicks on that day at the 4-H office. The chicks should arrive sometime in the month of March.
  5. After receiving chicks, members should raise them at home until they reach full maturity and are laying eggs.
  6. An invitation to the 4-H Chick Chain Show and Sale in August will be sent to each participating 4-H’er who will be expected to bring six of their matured chickens to the show for exhibition to compete for cash prizes. After the show, the sale will begin and the chickens will be sold to finance the project.
  7. In addition, each 4-H’er participating in the project must complete and submit a 4-H Chick Chain Journal which documents their project work (expenses, goals, what was learned, what they would do different next time, etc.
  8. No other chicks can be shown or sold. Only chicks that were received for the project are eligible.

For more information about the Chick Chain Project, please contact Jenna Beaty by phone at 879-9117 or by email at jenbeat@utk.edu.

The 4-H Chick Chain Sale is an annual event. Students who participated in the Chick Chain Project bring six of the chicks they raised to sell. Proceeds from this event fund the project for the next year so we can keep it going.

Click here for the location, dates and time.